Musfirah Waseem avatar Musfirah Waseem avatar

About Musfirah Waseem


Musfirah is a student of computer science from the best university in Pakistan. She has a knack for programming and everything related. She is a tech geek who loves to help people as much as possible.

Articles by Musfirah

Java Howtos

  1. How to Restart a Program in Java
  2. Inheritance on an Enum in Java
  3. Java Aggregation vs Composition

Go Howtos

  1. How to Create a New Directory in Go
  2. How to Read a File Into String in Go
  3. String Interpolation in Go
  4. Time Duration in Go
  5. Function Pointer in Go
  6. How to Convert Struct to String in Golang

Python Functions

  1. Python math.pow() Method
  2. Python math.radians() Method
  3. Python math.sin() Method
  4. Python math.sinh() Method
  5. Python math.sqrt() Method
  6. Python math.tan() Method
  7. Python math.tanh() Method
  8. Python math.trunc() Method
  9. Python math.frexp() Method
  10. Python math.fsum() Method
  11. Python math.gamma() Method
  12. Python math.gcd() Method
  13. Python math.hypot() Method
  14. Python math.isclose() Method
  15. Python math.isfinite() Method
  16. Python math.isinf() Method
  17. Python math.isnan() Method
  18. Python math.ldexp() Method
  19. Python math.atanh() Method
  20. Python math.exp() Method
  21. Python math.asinh() Method
  22. Python math.atan() Method
  23. Python math.atan2() Method
  24. Python math.ceil() Method
  25. Python math.copysign() Method
  26. Python math.cos() Method
  27. Python math.cosh() Method
  28. Python math.degrees() Method
  29. Python Method
  30. Python Datetime.fromtimestamp() Method
  31. Python Datetime.timedelta() Method
  32. Python Datetime.timestamp() Method
  33. Python Datetime.timetuple() Method
  34. Python datetime.utcoffset() Method
  35. Python datetime.datetime() Class
  36. Python datetime.isocalendar() Method
  37. Python datetime.isoformat() Method
  38. Python datetime.strftime() Method
  39. Python datetime.time() Class
  40. Python datetime.toordinal() Method
  41. Python datetime.tzname() Method
  42. Python datetime.utcfromtimestamp() Class
  43. Python datetime.weekday() Method
  44. Python Method
  45. Python datetime.datetime.strptime() Method
  46. Python Method
  47. Python sys.exc_info() Method
  48. Python sys.getswitchinterval() Method
  49. Python sys.gettrace() Method
  50. Python sys.implementation Variable
  51. Python sys.platform Variable
  52. Python sys.prefix Variable
  53. Python sys.settrace() Method
  54. Python os.isatty() Method
  55. Python os.path.basename() Method
  56. Python os.strerror() Method
  57. Python os.supports_bytes_environ Object
  58. Python os.supports_follow_symlinks Object
  59. Python os.system() Method
  60. Python os.path.normcase() Method
  61. Python os.supports_fd Method
  62. Python os.getppid() Method
  63. Python Method
  64. Python os.lseek() Method
  65. Python os.lstat() Method
  66. Python os.stat() Method
  67. Python os.supports_dir_fd Method
  68. Python os.truncate() Method
  69. Python os.waitpid() Method
  70. Python os.fdopen() Method
  71. Python os.error() Method
  72. Python os.execl() Method
  73. Python os.fsdecode() Method
  74. Python os.path.relpath() Method
  75. Python os.path.samefile() Method
  76. Python os.path.samestat() Method
  77. Python os.path.splitdrive() Method
  78. Python os.path.splitext() Method
  79. Python os.putenv() Method
  80. Python os.path.expanduser() Method
  81. Python os.path.expandvars() Method
  82. Python os.path.getatime() Method
  83. Python os.path.getctime() Method
  84. Python os.times() Method
  85. Python os.umask() Method
  86. Python os.unlink() Method
  87. Python os.urandom() Method
  88. Python os.utime() Method
  89. Python os.write() Method
  90. Python os.symlink() Method
  91. Python os.chmod() Method
  92. Python os.ftruncate() Method
  93. Python os.get_exec_path() Method
  94. Python os.getcwd() Method
  95. Python os.kill() Method
  96. Python Method
  97. Python os.pipe() Method
  98. Python os.readlink() Method
  99. Python os.removedirs() Method
  100. Python os.access() Method
  101. Python os.chdir() Method
  102. Python os.closerange() Method
  103. Python os.path.getsize() Method
  104. Python os.path.normpath() Method
  105. Python os.abort() Method
  106. Python os.path.abspath() Method
  107. Python os.path.exists() Method
  108. Python os.path.isfile() Method
  109. Python os.path.split() Method