Articles by Junaid khan

Raspberry Pi Howtos

  1. Chromium OS on Raspberry Pi
  2. How to Print Server on Raspberry Pi
  3. How to Rotate Raspberry Pi Display
  4. Raspberry Pi 4 Android
  5. Dual Boot Raspberry Pi
  6. How to Install Raspbian on SD Card
  7. How to Use TeamViewer in Raspberry Pi
  8. Raspbian Default Password

SQLite Howtos

  1. How to Get Automatic Timestamp in SQLite
  2. SQLite Equivalent to ISNULL(), NVL(), IFNULL(), or COALESCE()
  3. File Extensions for SQLite Database Files
  4. How to Add a New Column in Between Two Columns in SQLite
  5. How to Delete All Records From Table in SQLite With Android
  6. How to Do Case-Insensitive String Comparison in Sqlite3
  7. How to Save the Query Result Into a CSV File in SQLite
  8. SQLite DateTime Comparison

Python Functions

  1. Python Math.erf() Method
  2. Python Math.erfc() Method
  3. Python Math.expm1() Method
  4. Python Math.fabs() Method
  5. Python Math.factorial() Method
  6. Python Math.floor() Method
  7. Python Math.fmod() Method
  8. Python os.renames() Method
  9. Python sys.argv List
  10. Python sys.maxsize() Method
  11. Python sys.stdout Method
  12. Python os.get_handle_inheritable Method
  13. Python os.get_inheritable Method
  14. Python os.supports_effective_ids Method
  15. Python os.startfile Method
  16. Python os.path.ismount() Method
  17. Python os.path.realpath() Method
  18. Python os.path.getmtime() Method
  19. Python os.path.isabs() Method
  20. Python os.path.isdir() Method
  21. Python os.replace() Method
  22. Python os.mkdir() Method
  23. Python os.path.dirname() Method