Articles by Mohd Mohtashim Nawaz

Python How-To's

  1. How to Accept Timeout in Python Socket

Java Howtos

  1. How to Copy Text to Clipboard in Java in Java
  2. How to Create and Run a Java JAR File
  3. How to Create a Bitmap Image in Java
  4. How to Create and Read PDF in Java Using the iText Library
  5. _JAVA_OPTIONS Environment Variable in Java
  6. How to Create Temporary Files in Java
  7. How to Handle EOFException in Java
  8. How to Generate MD5 Hash in Java
  9. Java Dead Code Warning
  10. List of Arrays in Java
  11. How to Handle JSON Arrays in Java
  12. The volatile Keyword in Java

C++ Howtos

  1. How to Compile a C++ Program Using GCC
  2. How to User Input Array in Function in C++
  3. How C++ Represents Negative Values
  4. Seed Random Number Generator in C++
  5. How to Understand Smart Pointers in C++

Linux Howtos

  1. How to Check Java Version in Linux