How to Split a String on Newline in C#

Saad Aslam Feb 02, 2024
  1. Use String.Split() to Split a String on Newline in C#
  2. Use Regex.Split() to Split a String on Newline in C#
  3. Use StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries With String.Split() to Split a String on Newline in C#
  4. Use String.Join and String.Split() to Split a String on Newline in C#
  5. Conclusion
How to Split a String on Newline in C#

In C#, working with strings is a common task, and sometimes, you may need to split a string into multiple parts based on newline characters. This can be particularly useful when dealing with text data or files where each line represents a distinct piece of information.

In this article, we will explore how to split a string on newline using a specific character in C#.

Use String.Split() to Split a String on Newline in C#

The String.Split() method provides a convenient way to split a string into multiple parts based on a specific character.

The String.Split() method is a member of the System.String class in C#. It is designed to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter or array of delimiters.

The basic syntax is as follows:

string[] result = inputString.Split(separator);

Here, inputString is the string to be split, and separator is the character or characters that determine where the string should be split. The result is an array of substrings.

The String.Split() method works by scanning the input string from left to right and identifying occurrences of the specified separator. It then breaks the string into substrings at those points and returns an array containing these substrings.

Note that empty entries in the array may occur if there are consecutive occurrences of the separator or if the string starts or ends with the separator.

Let’s consider a practical example where we have a string and want to split it based on the space character. We will then print each part on a new line using a loop.

using System;

public class SplitStringExample {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
    string inputString = "C# is a powerful programming language.";

    string[] parts = inputString.Split(' ');

    Console.WriteLine("Original String:");
    Console.WriteLine("\nSplit String on Space Character:");

    foreach (string part in parts) {


Original String:
C# is a powerful programming language.

Split String on Space Character:

In this code, we begin by importing the System namespace, which includes the Console class used for input and output operations. We define a class named SplitStringExample and its Main method, which serves as the entry point of our program.

Next, we initialize a string variable named inputString with the value C# is a powerful programming language. This is the string we want to split based on the space character.

The Split method is then applied to inputString using the space character as the separator. The result is an array of substrings, which is stored in the parts variable.

After splitting the string, we print the original string using Console.WriteLine(), providing clarity on the content we are working with. Following this, we print a message indicating that we are about to display the split string on new lines.

The core of the demonstration lies in the foreach loop. It iterates through each element (substring) in the parts array.

During each iteration, the current substring is printed on a new line using Console.WriteLine(part).

This loop effectively separates each word in the original string and prints them individually on new lines, demonstrating the successful splitting of the string based on the specified space character.

Use Regex.Split() to Split a String on Newline in C#

When it comes to manipulating strings in C#, the String.Split() method is a common choice.

However, in some scenarios, more complex splitting requirements may arise. This is where the Regex.Split() method comes into play.

The Regex.Split() method is part of the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace in C#. Unlike String.Split(), which uses a fixed character as a separator, Regex.Split() allows us to define a regular expression pattern as the splitting criteria.

The basic syntax is as follows:

string[] result = Regex.Split(inputString, pattern);

Here, inputString is the original string, and pattern is the regular expression pattern that defines where the string should be split.

Let’s consider a scenario where we have a string and want to split it based on spaces or commas. We will then print each part on a new line using a loop.

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class RegexSplitExample {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
    string inputString = "C#,Java,Python,C++";

    string[] parts = Regex.Split(inputString, "[ ,]+");

    Console.WriteLine("Original String:");
    Console.WriteLine("\nSplit String on Spaces or Commas using Regex.Split:");

    foreach (string part in parts) {


Original String:

Split String on Spaces or Commas using Regex.Split:

In this code, we continue to use the System namespace and introduce the System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace for regex-related functionality. We define a class named RegexSplitExample and its Main method.

The inputString is set to C#,Java,Python,C++, representing a string with programming language names separated by spaces and commas.

The Regex.Split() method is then employed to split inputString based on the regular expression pattern "[ ,]+". This pattern signifies one or more occurrences of spaces or commas as the splitting criteria.

The subsequent steps involve printing the original string and a message indicating that we are about to display the split string on new lines.

The foreach loop iterates through each element (substring) in the parts array, and during each iteration, the current substring is printed on a new line using Console.WriteLine(part).

This example demonstrates the flexibility of Regex.Split() by allowing us to use a regular expression pattern as a delimiter, enabling more sophisticated string splitting based on various criteria.

Use StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries With String.Split() to Split a String on Newline in C#

In our exploration of string manipulation in C#, we’ve already covered the basic String.Split() method and its more flexible counterpart, Regex.Split(). Now, let’s take a closer look at how to use StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries with String.Split() to achieve a cleaner result when splitting a string based on a specific character and printing each part on a new line.

The StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries enumeration is part of the System namespace and is often used in conjunction with String.Split(). When applied, it ensures that empty entries resulting from consecutive separators are excluded from the array of substrings.

The syntax for using it is as follows:

string[] result = inputString.Split(new[] { separator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

Here, inputString is the original string, separator is the character at which the string should be split, and StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ensures that empty entries are removed from the resulting array.

Let’s consider an example where we have a string with multiple consecutive spaces, and we want to split it based on spaces.

using System;

public class SplitWithOptionsExample {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
    string inputString = "C#   is   an   amazing   language.";

    string[] parts = inputString.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

    Console.WriteLine("Original String:");
    Console.WriteLine("\nSplit String on Spaces with StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries:");

    foreach (string part in parts) {


Original String:
C#   is   an   amazing   language.

Split String on Spaces with StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries:

In this code, we continue to use the System namespace and define a class named SplitWithOptionsExample with its Main method.

The inputString is set to C# is an amazing language. to simulate a string with multiple consecutive spaces.

The StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries is applied by using the overload of Split() that takes an array of characters as separators. The array contains only the space character, and StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ensures that empty entries resulting from consecutive spaces are excluded.

The subsequent steps involve printing the original string and a message indicating that we are about to display the split string on new lines.

The foreach loop then iterates through each element (substring) in the parts array, and during each iteration, the current substring is printed on a new line using Console.WriteLine(part).

This example demonstrates how the use of StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries with String.Split() helps us achieve a cleaner result by excluding empty entries, which is particularly useful when dealing with consecutive separators.

Use String.Join and String.Split() to Split a String on Newline in C#

Now, let’s explore an alternative approach using String.Join and String.Split() to achieve the same goal of splitting a string based on a specific character and printing each part on a new line.

The String.Join method is also part of the System namespace and allows us to concatenate elements of a string array into a single string using a specified separator. When combined with String.Split(), we can achieve a concise and readable way to split a string and print each part on a new line.

The syntax for this approach is as follows:

string[] parts = inputString.Split(separator);
string result = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, parts);

Here, inputString is the original string, separator is the character at which the string should be split, and Environment.NewLine represents the newline character sequence.

Consider a scenario where we have a string with words separated by semicolons, and we want to split it based on semicolons. We will then print each part on a new line using String.Join and String.Split().

using System;

public class JoinAndSplitExample {
  public static void Main(string[] args) {
    string inputString = "C#;Java;Python;C++";

    string[] parts = inputString.Split(';');

    string result = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, parts);
    Console.WriteLine("Original String:");
    Console.WriteLine("\nSplit String on Semicolons with String.Join and String.Split:");


Original String:

Split String on Semicolons with String.Join and String.Split:

Here, we also use the System namespace and define a class named JoinAndSplitExample with its Main method.

Similar to the second code example above, the inputString is set to C#;Java;Python;C++ to simulate a string with programming language names separated by semicolons.

The String.Split(';') method is applied to split the string based on semicolons, resulting in an array of substrings stored in the parts variable.

The subsequent steps involve using String.Join(Environment.NewLine, parts) to concatenate the substrings with newline as the separator, forming a single string.

The original string is printed, along with a message indicating that we are about to display the split string on new lines.

Finally, the joined string is printed using Console.WriteLine(result).

This example showcases a concise and readable approach to splitting a string and printing each part on a new line using the combination of String.Join and String.Split().


We’ve explored various techniques for splitting strings and printing each part on a new line in C#. The fundamental String.Split() method allows for straightforward splitting based on a specific character.

For more intricate scenarios, Regex.Split() offers flexibility through regular expression patterns. The combination of StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries with String.Split() ensures cleaner results by excluding empty entries.

Additionally, the String.Join and String.Split() provides a concise and readable alternative for formatting output.

Whether handling simple delimiters or complex patterns, these methods allow us to efficiently manipulate strings, enhancing the versatility and expressiveness of string manipulation in C#.

Author: Saad Aslam
Saad Aslam avatar Saad Aslam avatar

I'm a Flutter application developer with 1 year of professional experience in the field. I've created applications for both, android and iOS using AWS and Firebase, as the backend. I've written articles relating to the theoretical and problem-solving aspects of C, C++, and C#. I'm currently enrolled in an undergraduate program for Information Technology.


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