How to Fix ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Configparser

  1. What Is the ModuleNotFoundError in Python
  2. What Is the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Configparser' in Python
  3. How to Fix the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Configparser' in Python
How to Fix ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Configparser

The ModuleNotFoundError is one of the most common errors when utilizing some of the built-in functionalities, classes, libraries and packages that need to be imported into your current program.

Mostly you need to import these built-in functionalities into your current program with the import keyword; however, for advanced packages and libraries, you will need to install them through the command line interface (CLI) and then import them into your current program.

What Is the ModuleNotFoundError in Python

In Python, the ModuleNotFoundError occurs when you are importing an invalid package or library that does not even exist, or you need to first install them from the CLI and then use them in your program.

For a better understanding, let’s have a look at the below example.

import randem  # error: ModuleNotFoundError

The above line of code will throw an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'randem' and the reason is randem isn’t the right package, it’s random.

We have intentionally used the randem instead of random to demonstrate the reason behind the ModuleNotFoundError, which sometimes occurs when you misspell the class library of the package.

Another use case of this error could be that the given class, library or package isn’t recognized by your Python compiler, so you will need to install it through your CLI and then import it into your program; we will see this in the later part of the article.

What Is the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Configparser' in Python

The ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Configparser' occurs because your Python compiler does not recognize Configparser; either you misspelled the name, or it isn’t available to import.

Code example:

import Configparser


If you use Python 2.x, you will get this error.

ImportError: No module named Configparser

If you use Python 3.x, you will get this error.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Configparser'

How to Fix the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Configparser' in Python

In the era of tech, it is always important to keep yourself up to date because things frequently change, specifically regarding software development.

Python is continuously improving, new functionalities are added with time, and the bad performing piece of code is either removed or updated.

Similar is the case with the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Configparser'; it is renamed configparser instead of Configparser.

import configparser

The above line of code should work if your Python compiler recognizes configparser; if it doesn’t, you have to install it externally through CLI and import it into your program.

How to Install configparser in Python

To install configparser into your machine, head towards CLI and type.

pip install configparser

This command will collect the relevant files and install them into your machine so you can import them later in your programs.

Now, if you import configparser, it should just work perfectly!

import configparser

print("configparser is successfully imported")


configparser is successfully imported
Zeeshan Afridi avatar Zeeshan Afridi avatar

Zeeshan is a detail oriented software engineer that helps companies and individuals make their lives and easier with software solutions.


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