if...else in Python List Comprehension

Muhammad Waiz Khan Oct 10, 2023
if...else in Python List Comprehension

This tutorial will explain multiple ways to perform list comprehension with the if ... else statement in Python. A list comprehension is a short and syntactic way to create a list based on an existing list. It is usually used to create a new filtered or changed list from a current list.

For example, we have a python list ['Ali','Mark', None, 'Sara', None, 'Rahul'] and we want to create a new list ['Ali','Mark', '', 'Sara', '', 'Rahul'], we can do it by using list comprehension.

Python if ... else List Comprehension

The below example code demonstrates how we can create a changed list from the existing list using list comprehension with the if ... else statement:

my_list = ["Ali", "Mark", None, "Sara", None, "Rahul"]

new_list = [str(x.strip()) if x is not None else "" for x in my_list]


['Ali', 'Mark', '', 'Sara', '', 'Rahul']

The general syntax of list comprehension in Python with if ... else is:

[f(x) if condition else g(x) for x in list]

If condition is true for the list element x, f(x), any applicable function, is applied to the element; otherwise, g(x) will be applied.

Example code:

my_list = ["Ali", "Mark", None, "Sara", None, "Rahul"]

new_list = [x.upper() if x is not None else "" for x in my_list]


['ALI', 'MARK', '', 'SARA', '', 'RAHUL']

Related Article - Python List