MATLAB Repelem() Function

Ammar Ali Feb 15, 2024
  1. MATLAB repelem() Function
  2. Error Handling and Limitations of the repelem() Function in MATLAB
  3. Conclusion
MATLAB Repelem() Function

MATLAB, a high-level programming language and environment, is widely used for numerical computing and data analysis. One of the key features of MATLAB is its extensive set of functions designed to simplify various computational tasks.

Among these functions, repelem() stands out for its versatility and usefulness in repetitive tasks involving array manipulation. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the repelem() function and explore its various applications.

MATLAB repelem() Function

The repelem() function in MATLAB is primarily used to repeat or replicate elements of an array in a specified pattern. It provides a flexible way to create repeated patterns within an array, allowing for efficient handling of repetitive tasks in data processing and analysis.

The repelem() function in MATLAB has two primary syntaxes:

Basic Syntax:

output = repelem(v, n)


  • v: The input vector or scalar to be repeated.
  • n: The number of times each element of v should be repeated.
  • Returns a vector of repeated elements.

Extended Syntax for Multidimensional Arrays:

output = repelem(m, r1, ..., rN)


  • m: The input matrix or array to be repeated.
  • r1, ..., rN: Block sizes for replication along different dimensions.
  • Returns a new matrix with repeated elements.

The repelem() function works by taking an input array or scalar and repeating its elements according to specified parameters.

When given a vector or scalar and a repetition factor, it replicates each element the specified number of times, resulting in a longer output vector. For multidimensional arrays, it repeats elements along each dimension according to the specified block sizes.

Let’s dive into several code examples to illustrate the versatility of the repelem() function.

Example 1: Basic Replication of a Vector

Let’s start with a simple example to illustrate the basic usage of repelem(). Suppose we have an array X:

X = [1 2 3];
Y = repelem(X, 2)

In this example, we start by defining a vector X containing three elements: [1 2 3]. We then use the repelem() function to replicate each element of the vector X two times, effectively doubling its length.

The result is stored in the variable Y. So, Y will contain the elements of X repeated twice.


Y =

   1   1   2   2   3   3

Example 2: Custom Replication With Varying Counts

One of the key features of repelem() is its ability to replicate patterns within an array. By specifying a pattern vector, we can repeat each element of the input array according to the corresponding elements of the pattern vector.

X = [1 2 3];
Y = repelem(X, [1 2 3])

Similarly, in this example, we have a vector X with the same elements [1 2 3]. However, instead of a fixed replication count, we provide a vector [1 2 3] as the second argument to the repelem() function.

This indicates that each element of X should be replicated once, twice, and thrice, respectively. As a result, the vector Y will contain the following elements where: the first element of X is repeated once, the second element twice, and the third element thrice.


Y =

   1   2   2   3   3   3

Example 3: Replication of Multidimensional Arrays

The repelem() function is not limited to one-dimensional arrays; it can also handle multidimensional arrays efficiently. When dealing with multidimensional arrays, repelem() repeats elements along each dimension independently.

X = magic(2);
Y = repelem(X, 2, 2)

In this example, we generate a 2x2 magic square matrix X using the magic() function. We then apply the repelem() function to this matrix, specifying 2 as the block size for both rows and columns.

This means that each element of the matrix X will be repeated twice along both dimensions. As a result, the resulting matrix Y will be a 4x4 matrix where each element of X is repeated twice along both rows and columns, preserving the magic square pattern.


Y =

   4   4   3   3
   4   4   3   3
   1   1   2   2
   1   1   2   2

Example 4: Custom Replication Along Specific Dimensions

Sometimes, you may want to repeat elements along specific dimensions of a multidimensional array. repelem() allows you to achieve this by specifying an additional argument for the dimension along which repetition should occur.

If certain dimensions shouldn’t be replicated, the value 1 can be passed for those dimensions. Additionally, vectors of the same length as specific dimensions can specify the number of repetitions for individual elements.

X = magic(2);
Y = repelem(X, 1, [3 2])

Here, we create another 2x2 magic square matrix, X. However, instead of repeating elements along both dimensions, we customize the replication by specifying [3 2] as the block size for the row dimension.

This means that the first column of X will be repeated three times, and the second column will be repeated twice. Therefore, the resulting matrix Y will be a 2x5 matrix with the first column of X repeated three times and the second column repeated twice.


Y =

   4   4   4   3   3
   1   1   1   2   2

Example 5: Replication With Varying Block Sizes

Another useful application of repelem() is in replicating elements of an array with varying block sizes. By specifying the size of the output array and repetition pattern, we can replicate the input array to fill the specified dimensions of the output array.

matrix = [1 2; 3 4];
Y = repelem(matrix, [2 1], [3 2])

In this example, we define a 2x2 matrix matrix with elements [1 2; 3 4]. We then use the repelem() function to replicate each element of the matrix.

However, we provide varying block sizes [2 1] and [3 2] for replication along the row and column dimensions, respectively. This means that the first row of the matrix will be repeated twice, and the second row will not be repeated.

Additionally, each column will be repeated three times for the first column and twice for the second column. The resulting matrix Y will be a 5x3 matrix with elements replicated accordingly.


Y =

   1   1   1   2   2
   1   1   1   2   2
   3   3   3   4   4

Example 6: Application in Table Creation

Suppose we have a small table representing some basic information about individuals, such as their age and height. We want to expand this table by replicating its values to create a larger table.

T_small = table([19; 16], [60; 53], 'VariableNames', {'Age', 'Height'});

T_large = repelem(T_small, 2, 2);

disp('Original Table:');
disp('Expanded Table:');

In this example, we start with a small table T_small containing two columns: 'Age' and 'Height'. Each row represents information about an individual.

We then use the repelem() function to replicate this small table, expanding it to create a larger table, T_large.

By specifying 2 as the block size for both rows and columns, we effectively double the size of the table in both dimensions. As a result, each value in the original table is repeated twice along both rows and columns in the expanded table.

The output shows the original table followed by the expanded table, with the repeated values appropriately arranged in the larger table structure.


Original Table:
    Age    Height
    ___    ______

    19       60
    16       53

Expanded Table:
    Age    Age_1    Height    Height_1
    ___    _____    ______    ________

    19      19        60         60
    19      19        60         60
    16      16        53         53
    16      16        53         53

This example demonstrates how the repelem() function can be utilized in MATLAB to efficiently create larger tables by replicating values from smaller ones, providing a convenient way to scale up data for analysis or visualization purposes.

Error Handling and Limitations of the repelem() Function in MATLAB

While repelem() is a versatile function, it’s essential to be aware of potential errors and limitations that may arise during its usage.

Memory Consumption

Replicating large arrays or matrices multiple times can consume significant memory resources. It’s important to consider memory constraints, especially when working with large datasets.

X = rand(1000, 1000);
Y = repelem(X, 100, 100); % High memory consumption

Replicating a large matrix-like X multiple times can lead to high memory consumption, potentially causing performance issues or memory exhaustion.

Performance Considerations

While repelem() provides a convenient way to replicate elements, it’s important to consider performance implications when working with large arrays or matrices. Replicating large arrays multiple times can consume significant memory and processing resources.

In such cases, alternative approaches like preallocating memory or using vectorized operations may offer better performance.

For large-scale replication tasks, using functions like repmat() may provide better performance compared to repelem().


The repelem() function in MATLAB is a powerful tool for repeating elements within arrays or matrices. Its flexibility allows for simple repetition as well as more complex patterns, making it invaluable for various data manipulation tasks.

By understanding its syntax and various usage scenarios, you can leverage repelem() to streamline your MATLAB code and expedite your workflow.

Whether you’re working with numerical arrays, strings, or custom data types, repelem() offers a convenient solution for repeating elements, enabling you to focus more on the logic of your algorithms rather than the mechanics of data manipulation. So, next time you find yourself needing to repeat elements in MATLAB, remember the repelem() function and its versatility.

Author: Ammar Ali
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Hello! I am Ammar Ali, a programmer here to learn from experience, people, and docs, and create interesting and useful programming content. I mostly create content about Python, Matlab, and Microcontrollers like Arduino and PIC.

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