The nnz() Function in MATLAB

Ammar Ali Feb 14, 2024
  1. Syntax of the MATLAB nnz() Function
  2. Using Conditions With the nnz() Function in MATLAB
  3. Using Multiple Conditions With the nnz() Function in MATLAB
  4. Advanced Applications of the nnz() Function in MATLAB
  5. Conclusion
The nnz() Function in MATLAB

MATLAB, a powerful programming language and environment for numerical computing, offers a wide range of functions to manipulate and analyze data efficiently. One such function that proves invaluable in various scenarios is the nnz() function.

Short for number of non-zeros, nnz() is a versatile tool for counting the non-zero elements in a matrix. In this article, we will explore the syntax, applications, and examples of using the nnz() function in MATLAB.

Syntax of the MATLAB nnz() Function

The basic syntax of the nnz() function is straightforward:

num = nnz(m)

Here, m represents the matrix or vector in question, and num stores the total count of nonzero elements. It’s important to note that the input to the nnz() function must be a matrix or vector.

Example 1: Counting Nonzero Elements in a Vector

Let’s begin with a simple example of counting nonzero elements in a vector.

m = [0 1 0 5]
num = nnz(m)

In this example, we begin by defining a vector m with elements [0, 1, 0, 5]. We then utilize the nnz() function to count the number of nonzero elements in the vector. The result is stored in the variable num.

In the output, we can see that m contains two nonzero elements (1 and 5), and the nnz() function correctly returns 2, indicating the count of nonzero elements.


m =

   0   1   0   5

num =  2

The nnz() function is equally adept at handling matrices. Consider the following example:

A = [1, 0, 3; 0, 5, 0; 7, 8, 9]
num_matrix = nnz(A)

In this instance, the matrix A has nine elements, and the nnz() function effortlessly counts the number of nonzero elements, providing a valuable metric for sparse matrices or matrices with specific patterns.


A =

   1   0   3
   0   5   0
   7   8   9

num_matrix =  6

Using Conditions With the nnz() Function in MATLAB

The power of the nnz() function lies in its ability to incorporate conditions for counting elements based on specific criteria.

Example 2: Counting Elements Greater Than a Threshold

m = [0 1 0 5]
num = nnz(m > 1)

Here, we introduce a condition within the nnz() function to count elements greater than 1 in the vector m. The condition is expressed as m > 1. The resulting count is stored in the variable num.

In the output below, we can observe that only the element 5 satisfies the condition of being greater than 1. Consequently, the nnz() function returns 1 as the count of elements meeting the specified condition.


m =

   0   1   0   5

num =  1

Example 3: Counting Elements Greater Than a Negative Value

m = [-5 -1 1 0 5]
num = nnz(m > -5)

In this example, we work with a vector m containing elements [-5, -1, 1, 0, 5]. The nnz() function is used to count elements greater than -5.

Notably, this condition includes zero, as it is greater than -5. As a result, the nnz() function correctly returns 4, indicating that four elements in the vector satisfy the condition of being greater than -5.


m =

  -5  -1   1   0   5

num =  4

Using Multiple Conditions With the nnz() Function in MATLAB

We can also use logical AND (&) and OR (|) operators for more intricate conditions.

Example 4: Counting Elements Meeting Multiple Conditions

m = [15 10 1 0 5]
num = nnz(m > 1 & m < 15)
num_2 = nnz(m > 5 | m < 1)

In this more complex example, we define a vector m with elements [15, 10, 1, 0, 5]. We then employ both AND (&) and OR (|) operators within the nnz() function to count elements meeting specific conditions.

The first condition, m > 1 & m < 15, counts elements greater than 1 and less than 15. The second condition, m > 5 | m < 1, counts elements greater than 5 or less than 1.

The resulting counts are stored in variables num and num_2, respectively.

In the output, we can see that num correctly counts the two elements meeting the first condition, while num_2 counts three elements satisfying either of the given conditions. This illustrates the versatility of the nnz() function in handling multiple conditions simultaneously.


m =

   15   10    1    0    5

num =  2
num_2 =  3

Advanced Applications of the nnz() Function in MATLAB

Building upon the fundamentals discussed earlier, let’s explore more advanced applications of the nnz() function in MATLAB. These examples showcase its versatility in handling diverse scenarios.

Example 5: Counting Nonzero Elements Along Specific Columns or Rows

You can use the nnz() function to count nonzero elements along specific columns or rows of a matrix.

B = [1, 0, 3; 0, 5, 0; 7, 8, 9]

column_index = 3;
nonzero_count_column = nnz(B(:, column_index))

row_index = 2;
nonzero_count_row = nnz(B(row_index, :))

In this example, the matrix B is defined, and we use nnz(B(:, column_index)) to count the nonzero elements along column 3, storing the result in the variable nonzero_count_column. Similarly, nnz(B(row_index, :)) is employed to count nonzero elements along row 2, and the result is stored in the variable nonzero_count_row.

The output reveals the count of nonzero elements for each specified column and row, providing valuable insights into the distribution of nonzero values in the matrix.


B =

   1   0   3
   0   5   0
   7   8   9

nonzero_count_column =  2
nonzero_count_row =  1

Here, nonzero_count_column provides the count of nonzero elements in column 3, and nonzero_count_row gives the count for row 2.

Example 6: Counting Nonzero Elements in a Sparse Matrix

In MATLAB, sparse matrices are often employed to efficiently handle large datasets with mostly zero elements. nnz() can be used to determine the density of nonzero elements in a sparse matrix, aiding in memory optimization.

% Creating a sparse matrix
S = sparse([1, 2, 2], [2, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5])
count_nonzero_sparse = nnz(S)

Here, we first create a sparse matrix S using the sparse() function with specified row indices, column indices, and values. The nnz(S) function is then employed to count the nonzero elements in the sparse matrix.

The output shows that the sparse matrix S contains three nonzero elements, illustrating the ability of nnz() to seamlessly extend to sparse data structures.


S =

Compressed Column Sparse (rows = 2, cols = 2, nnz = 3 [75%])

  (2, 1) ->  4
  (1, 2) ->  3
  (2, 2) ->  5

count_nonzero_sparse =  3

The sparse matrix S has three nonzero elements, and nnz() accurately returns this count.

Example 7: Counting Nonzero Elements in Logical Arrays

Logical arrays, consisting of Boolean values (true or false), can be efficiently processed using the nnz() function.

C = [true, false, true; false, true, false; true, true, true]
count_nonzero_logical = nnz(C)

In this case, we first define a logical matrix C, and by applying nnz(C), we count the number of true values within the matrix. The output reveals that there are six true values in the logical matrix C, showcasing how nnz() facilitates the analysis of logical arrays by counting the occurrences of true values.


C =

  1  0  1
  0  1  0
  1  1  1

count_nonzero_logical =  6

The nnz() function accurately counts the six true values in the logical matrix C.

Example 8: Counting Nonzero Elements in a Specific Region

You can also use the nnz() function to count nonzero elements in a specific region of a matrix.

D = randi([0, 1], 4, 4) % Random binary matrix
count_nonzero_region = nnz(D(2:3, 2:3))

Here, we create a random binary matrix D using the randi() function, generating a 4x4 matrix with elements either 0 or 1. To count the nonzero elements in the region specified by rows 2 to 3 and columns 2 to 3, we use nnz(D(2:3, 2:3)).

The output displays that there are four nonzero elements in this defined region, showcasing the versatility of nnz() in isolating and counting elements within specific matrix regions.


D =

   1   1   1   0
   1   0   1   0
   0   1   1   1
   1   0   0   1

count_nonzero_region =  3

In this example, nnz() counts the four nonzero elements in the specified region of the matrix D.

These advanced examples demonstrate the flexibility of the nnz() function in MATLAB. Whether dealing with specific dimensions, sparse matrices, logical arrays, or isolated regions, nnz() proves to be a valuable tool for diverse applications.


In conclusion, the nnz() function in MATLAB serves as a versatile tool for efficiently counting nonzero elements in matrices and vectors. Its basic syntax is user-friendly, making it accessible to users at various proficiency levels.

Whether applied to vectors, matrices, or sparse arrays, the function excels in providing a clear count of elements that meet specific conditions.

By understanding the nnz() function, you can streamline your data analysis processes. The ability to incorporate conditions within the function enhances its utility, allowing for tailored element counts based on user-defined criteria.

In practical terms, incorporating the nnz() function into your MATLAB workflow can significantly enhance your efficiency and effectiveness in dealing with numerical data. As you explore its capabilities through examples and applications, you’ll find that the nnz() function not only simplifies the counting process but also offers a powerful tool for data manipulation and analysis.

Author: Ammar Ali
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Hello! I am Ammar Ali, a programmer here to learn from experience, people, and docs, and create interesting and useful programming content. I mostly create content about Python, Matlab, and Microcontrollers like Arduino and PIC.

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