How to Reverse Order Using Slicing in Python

Shivam Arora Feb 02, 2024
How to Reverse Order Using Slicing in Python

This article will demonstrate slicing in Python and the meaning of object[::-1] in slicing. Here object represents an iterable that can be sliced like a string or a list.

Slicing allows the user to access parts of a sequence like lists, tuples, and strings. Many functions can be performed using slicing, for instance, deleting items or modify items in a sequence.

First, let us understand the syntax for slicing.

  1. a[start: stop] The items start from the given point and slices till stop -1.
  2. a[start: ] The items start from the given point and slice till the end of an array.
  3. a[: stop] The items start from the beginning and slice till stop -1.
  4. a[: ] This gives the whole array as output.
  5. a[start: stop: step] The items start from the given point and slices till stop -1 with provided step size.

The code below demonstrates the slicing in Python.

a = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]


[7, 9]
[1, 3, 5]

Using a[::-1] in Python to Reverse an Object Like an Array or String

As we saw above, we have a[start: stop: step] step in slicing, and -1 means the last element of the array. Therefore, a[::-1] starts from the end till the beginning reversing the given sequence that was stored.

For example,

a = "12345"
