The preg_match Function in JavaScript

  1. the preg_match Function in PHP
  2. Use preg_match in JavaScript
The preg_match Function in JavaScript

This article will teach the purpose of the preg_match function in PHP and the possible way to implement the same functionality in JavaScript with an example.

the preg_match Function in PHP

The preg_match() is a default function of PHP used to match the strings. This function receives a string and regular expression pattern as arguments and checks if the string portion is matched with a pattern or not; the function will return 0 in the failed case and 1 in the success case.

Basic syntax in PHP:


$string = "hello world";

$regex_pattern = "/hello/i";

if(preg_match($regex_pattern, $string) == 1) // check the string with regex

echo "String matched";


echo "String not matched";




String matched

Use preg_match in JavaScript

In JavaScript, we don’t have a built-in function as the preg_match() function of PHP, but we can achieve the same functionality to check the match portion of a string using a regular expression pattern and JavaScript default method match(), which is used on string values.

match() method is used to match a string against a regular expression and returns an array with the matches. It will return null if no match is found.

Example using JavaScript:

let string = 'hello world';

let regex_pattern = /hello/gi;

let result = string.match(regex_pattern)  // check the string with regex

if (result == null) {
  console.log('String not matched')
else {
  console.log('String matched')


String matched

We have declared the 'hello world' string and a regular expression pattern in the above JavaScript source. Then, we used the match() method on the hello world string and passed regular expression.

Now use a conditional statement if the match method returns null to say the string is not matched with the regular expression pattern, or else it’s matched.

Related Article - JavaScript RegEx