Change Log
Version 1.0.10
<small class="release-date">Aug 15, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Aug 15, 2018</small>
Add English
Version 1.0.9
<small class="release-date">Jul 26, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Jul 26, 2018</small>
Add Traditional Chinese language.
Version 1.0.8
<small class="release-date">Jul 14, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Jul 14, 2018</small>
Fix the changelog issue that it couldn’t display the right button type like fixed, moved, updated, etc.
Version 1.0.7
<small class="release-date">Jul 14, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Jul 14, 2018</small>
Begin to write the Python NumPy tutorial in Chinese.
Version 1.0.6
<small class="release-date">Jul 14, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Jul 14, 2018</small>
Add language switcher for pages that have translated siblings.
Version 1.0.5
<small class="release-date">Mar 24, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Mar 24, 2018</small>
Add meta information of structured data.
Version 1.0.4
<small class="release-date">Feb 27, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Feb 27, 2018</small>
DelftStack demo code repository is initiliazed in DelftStack@github
Version 1.0.3
<small class="release-date">Feb 25, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Feb 25, 2018</small>
DelftStack becomes i18n. The tutorials will be published in both English and Chinese in the near future. Dutch, German and French versions are under investigation.
Version 1.0.2
<small class="release-date">Feb 12, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Feb 12, 2018</small>
Migrate from KeyCDN to Netlify
Version 1.0.1
<small class="release-date">Jan 30, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Jan 30, 2018</small>
Initialize Python 3 Basic Tutorial
Initialize Python Tkinter Tutorial
Initialize Python Module Tutorial
Version 1.0.0
<small class="release-date">Jan 29, 2018</small>
<small class="release-date">Jan 29, 2018</small>
DelftStack launched. Hosted in KeyCDN.
Founder of Jinku has worked in the robotics and automotive industries for over 8 years. He sharpened his coding skills when he needed to do the automatic testing, data collection from remote servers and report creation from the endurance test. He is from an electrical/electronics engineering background but has expanded his interest to embedded electronics, embedded programming and front-/back-end programming.
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